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Dispute Resolution

TAIYO Legal has extensive and long-standing experience in various forms of dispute resolution. Our experts provide advice in advance and make sound recommendations for the ideal course of action. We represent you in settlement negotiations and conclude ‘watertight’ settlements for you.

Our expertise includes representation before the ordinary courts as well as in arbitration proceedings. Our expertise also includes cross-border enforcement of domestic and foreign titles (including arbitration awards). We also handle debt collection proceedings.

セキ -Seki-

TAIYO Legal inter alia advised:

  • In connection with two related arbitration proceedings before the VIAC with an amount in dispute of over EUR 4.5 million;
  • Numerous corporate disputes before Austrian courts;
  • A well-known Austrian property trustee with its entire receivables management
  • In the enforcement of an Austrian judgement in the PRC
  • In the enforcement of numerous Austrian judgements in Japan

Please contact us for a comprehensive list of our credentials.

セキ -Seki-